Friday, August 15, 2008

Tick Tock, I'm on the Clock

Tomorrow is Clarissa's 5th birthday party. She's having two, actually. One is a bowling party with her friends from school, and one is our standard cookout at home with family and neighbors. The first one is perfect because it's not at my house, so I don't have to clean up after them. LOL!!

The cookout party at home is usually pretty quaint and VERY informal. People sit around in lawn chairs and relax while the kids play. They were calling for rain initially, but now they're saying it's going to be "Picture Perfect." YAY!!! I was worried about having everyone inside. Our house is very small as it is with the four of us, and it would be torture with 20+ in there! Plus, we just got new carpet--I don't want anyone eating in there. LOL!

Anyways, I'm on the clock because my parents arrive tomorrow afternoon (before we get back from the bowling party), and my mom will inspect my house as usual. I normally blow off her comments, but it bugs me when she says it when other people are over and will be walking through the house and using our bathroom. It's ALL I can think of, so I spend the entire time fretting about it.

Tonight, I have a LOT of touch up work to get done around the house, but I really hope I can manage to get it done. I'm on my own, between Jacob's possible hernia and Ron's HORRIBLE gout attack. He's not much of a complainer, and he's been on the couch with his foot in the air, popping pills. Clarissa will offer to "help" but I will probably ask her to dust and then keep the dogs busy because her "help" isn't very productive. I would NEVER tell her that and I usually just fix things she's done after she's asleep. But I don't have the time to do that tonight.

Wish me luck. :)


Brynn said...

GOOD LUCK Brandi! Last time my mom made a comment about my house I just looked at her & said "well, ya know, I'm a little busy & since you didn't call until you were almost here, it didn't give me much time to get anything done, but, feel free to clean it up if you want". She hasn't said anything since! I would think your mom would know what you've been going through & can either offer to clean everything her self, or keep quiet about it.

have fun with the parties, I can't wait to see the pics!

Amanda said...

You can do it Brandi! Don't let you mom ruin your special day with DD. Darn those moms!

Cyn M said...

Brandi! Nathan's 4th birthday is tomorrow and we are just having 2 of his little friends over to swim! We are doing a family thing tomorrow morning, but that is it.
Have a great day! When is her ACTUAL birthday? Happy Birthday Clarissa!!!!