Thursday, December 18, 2008

To go...or not to go. That is the Question.

The kids and I are supposed to leave for our family Christmas in Ohio as soon as they get out of school tomorrow. I have the day off and was going to plan on picking them up at 4:00 and getting straight on the expressway.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature may change those plans. :( :( We are now expecting to get anywhere from 6 - 15" of snow, as well as some freezing rain overnight. They first estimated that it would start around 4:00am, and now they're saying as early as midnight. I honestly think they don't have a clue and are just throwing darts!

I got to thinking that maybe I should just take them tonight. If we really get that much snow in such a short amount of time, school will be canceled. But I have reservations about risking them missing a day of school in the event it's NOT canceled. I know it's only elementary school, but I don't pull my kids out of school for things like this. What if we go and the storm is weaker than they expect or even misses us?! They will have missed school for NOTHING.

On the flip side, if we stay and it comes, we may not be able to get to Ohio tomorrow. As much as I love snow, I wish the timing was a little different on this. I'm not sure what to do. I'll have to check the weather radars later this afternoon and make a decision.


Rene said...

Not sure about mid-Ohio but we are looking at freezing rain/sleet/rain after 2:00 am tomorrow. Under a winter weather advisory from 2:00 a.m. til noon or so.

Brynn said...

Pull them out & go tonight. Seriously. I don't let my kids miss school either, but I would let them for this. Are you prepared to miss the entire Family Christmas for 1 day of school, esp since if their school is anything like any my boys have attended, they won't be doing much anyway!

Not to mention, I'm not sure your mom would forgive you if you mess with her whole fam pic!!!