Wednesday, July 16, 2008

He's Definitely Learning...

As some of you know, my husband and I have had some struggles over the last two years. Since losing his job and especially moving to another state for work, it's been very hard for us. Our marriage has suffered tremendously, and I'm often worried it will never be fully repaired.

That said--he hit a home run for our anniversary. And better yet, he proved that he listens to me!! Months ago during regular conversation, I mentioned that I wanted a couple things for scrapbooking when we had the extra money, but I was in no rush. I wanted a few books, some software, etc. He asked me how I keep track of my wants, and I told him that I keep a list in my scrapbook room. I thought nothing more of it.
For our anniversary, Ron bought me these:

They just arrived today, which really made him angry, but there was a small shipping snafu. I didn't care that they were late. I'm just thankful that he bought them for me!! What a guy.

And thanks to all the ladies that recommended the Stacy Julian books and especially Lee for recommending the 50 Moments book by Lisa Bearnson. I think I'm going to LOVE that one!!!


Lee said...

YAY! What a lovely surprise. It's the little things: he listened, not what he bought, right?

But now that you have it :) isn't it a great book? Enjoy.

Sherry said...

I keep hearing about these books...I really need to go out and look for them! LOL
Sounds like your DH really tried. Good for him. You deserve it.

Brynn said...

Score 1 for Ron!!! See Brandi, he IS trying, gotta give him credit for that. Have fun with your books, they look like good ones.

Michelle said...

Happy Belated Anniversary Brandi! So....does Ron teach classes? My hubby could use some... :)

Kaye said...

Wow! He did a good job.