Thursday, May 14, 2009

Down Time = Bliss

Last night was our bye-week for soccer, so we had no game scheduled. We probably wouldn't have played anyways, because the amount of rain we had left the fields A MESS, which can cause injuries as well as ruin the field. Add so that the fact that Clarissa's dance was moved from Thursday to Tuesday this week, and we had a light schedule this week. LIFE IS GOOD.

Last night after I picked the kids up, we went home to eat dinner. They both wanted cereal for dinner, so that's what we had. (Don't you dare judge me. I USUALLY give them a protein and a veggie. LOL!) Dinner was an easy clean-up, so I soaked our bowls and left them for later. I vacuumed the house while Jacob did his homework. When he was done, we played a few games. The kids ended the evening with checkers, and it was hysterical to watch (and listen). They crack me up....when they aren't bickering, that is. During the evening, in between games, I was able to complete three loads of laundry (it's all folded in our baskets, but I'll put it away tonight), and I made cookies. YUM.

The kids went to bed at 8:30pm, and then I cleaned the kitchen. I scrubbed the counters and floors and started the dishwasher. It was such a relaxing evening, yet I got SO much done!!! I absolutely love watching my kids do their sports, but I sure LOVED this down time. And to think...I have another two days of. We have nothing planned for tonight or tomorrow. YAY ME. :)